We apply the latest traffic operation simulations, forecasting and control systems for all modes of travel to our planning and engineering projects. We analyze and design traffic signals and traffic signal control systems, interchanges, roadways, freeway management systems and active traffic management systems. From signing and striping to lighting and communications network design, we improve the function of our nation’s transportation networks.
Service Areas
- Traffic Signal Design/Timing/Systems
- Adaptive Signal Control Systems
- Street and Area Lighting
- LED Lighting
- Signing and Striping Design
- Traffic Impact Studies
- Active Transportation Design
- Roundabouts
- Safety
- Communications Network Design
- Multimodal Corridor Operations Analysis
- Visual Simulation Modeling
- Traffic Operations Analysis
- Interchange Access Studies
- Detection Systems
- Temporary Traffic Control
- Freeway and Arterial Performance
- Parking Layout and Circulation
- Policy Standards Development