TxDOT El Paso Innovative Intersection Evaluation
Evaluate the safety and operational performance of several types of innovative intersection designs.
Quick Facts
Discovered roundabouts in El Paso were over-designed and not in conformance with modern roundabout standards, impacting both operations and safety
Evaluated innovative intersection types include diverging diamond interchange (DDI), multilane roundabouts, and interchange with direct connectors and cloverleaf ramps
Developed recommendations for improvements and white papers to support the District pursue funding to implement recommendations
Developed recommendations to improve operations and safety at evaluated innovative intersections
Reduced non-compliance of required lane use and excessive speeding through the roundabouts
Improved pedestrian safety through additional pedestrian channelization and warning to drivers
Increased overall traffic operations efficiency
Our Work
Performed design review of seven innovative intersections
Used Vissim microsimulation, Synchro operations, and data analysis to evaluate delay, level of service, queue lengths, travel times, latent delay, speeds, lane utilization, gap acceptance, weave/merge/diverge capacity, yielding compliance, lane assignment compliance, and conflicts
Developed an overall benefit-cost ratio for each alternative
Investigated safety issues using TxDOT’s CRIS data and UTEP’s crash records
Developed white papers summarizing recommendations