OCTA Street of Four Names TSSP
Improves travel time along corridor by 10 to 20 percent.
Quick Facts
Includes the optimization of 110 traffic signals along the Street of Four Names with a limited budget
Following a systems engineering approach improved the communication speed for 37 intersections along the corridor, resulting in a 9:1 benefit-to-cost ratio in one year and improved travel time by 10 to 20 percent
Added benefits to 20 intersections that were in close proximity to the corridor
Our Work
Optimized the timing of 110 traffic signals
Inventoried and evaluated traffic signal equipment, communications hardward, and signal interconnect media
Provided data collection, analysis, and development and deployment of time-of-day coordination plans for a.m., p.m., midday, and weekend peak periods
Used Synchro and Tru-Traffic software for the timing and synchronization analysis
Reviewed the agency’s ethernet over copper concept and value engineered a switch concept and equipment with lower cost than what was originally identified
Performed fine-tuning and before and after travel time studies