Sound Transit Tacoma Link Light Rail
Connects riders to downtown, the UofW campus, the Tacoma Dome and the regional transit system.
Quick Facts
Sound Transit’s Tacoma Link LRT serves downtown Tacoma, the University of Washington campus, the Tacoma Dome arena, Sounder Commuter Rail, and regional bus park-and-ride patrons
Includes 15 at-grade crossings
Improves safety within a mix-flow traffic environment with 15 at-grade crossings
Minimizes transit delay and improves operations in downtown urban area
Our Work
Performed final traffic engineering analysis and design services
Used a Basis of Traffic Engineering Design Report concept to address several unique elements of traffic engineering design due to downtown Tacoma’s mixed-flow, at-grade crossing environment
Prepared PS&E for 15 traffic signals with at-grade LRT crossings, traffic signing and striping, and construction traffic control plans
Created specifications for the traffic signal controller software to provide LRT priority in complex urban environment
Worked with the City of Tacoma and Sound Transit to develop the cascading train detection system used for priority operations
Prepared final coordination and priority signal timing for the corridor and assisted with fine-tuning train operations