Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) SR 237 Express Lanes

Offer single-occupancy vehicles a choice to pay a toll and use the Express Lane.

Quick Facts

  • Provided planning, preliminary design and environmental services to the Santa Clara VTA for completing the Project Initiation Document and Project Approval/Environmental Document (PA/ED)

  • The Silicon Valley Express Lanes Program has been under development since 2003

  • The SR 237 Express Lanes Phase 2 Project extends the existing limited-access express lanes westerly to the vicinity of the Mathilda Avenue Interchange in Sunnyvale and the project may extend westerly as operationally feasible past US 101


  • The Express Lanes convert the existing continuous access HOV Lanes into Express Lanes that offer single occupancy vehicles a choice to pay a toll and use the available Express Lane capacity to save time

Our Work

  • Performed extensive traffic operational analysis focusing on the freeway mainline and ramps under weekday a.m. and p.m. peak period conditions

  • Developed a micro-simulation model of the freeway corridor using Vissim modeling software

  • Tested 2015 and 2035 future year conditions to meet the PA/ED requirements

  • Developed demand forecasts for future years using VTA’s countywide travel demand model

  • Worked closely with VTA staff and other consulting team staff to modify the travel demand model and generate the necessary forecasts

  • Operational analyses and simulation modeling work included evaluating limited access versus continuous access design alternatives and evaluating the impacts of alternative express lane access/egress locations

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