Portland SW Moody Avenue Improvements
Creates a multimodal environment connecting OHSU, the South Waterfront, and the region's LRT system.
Quick Facts
Project includes a streetcar, auto lanes, bike lanes, shared bikeways, separated bike-pedestrian paths, and bike signals
Design included challenging crossings, interfaces with the streetcar, and transitions from side-running paths to on-street bike lanes
Included TIGER grant funds intended to spur job creation in the construction industry, which required that construction be completed within just 18 months
Received 2011 WTS Project of the Year Award
Connects the SW River Parkway with the Oregon Health Sciences University’s aerial tram and the South Waterfront District
Received a WTS 2011 Project of the Year Award
Our Work
Developed, analyzed, compared and assisted in the final design selection of pedestrian and bikeway facilities and treatments
Observed pedestrian and cyclists’ behavior along the existing corridor, which facilitated development of unique design alternatives
Worked closely with City of Portland staff and the project team to ensure design and operational issues were on the table early, allowing the team to move forward in an efficient and productive manner
Provided final design services for signing and striping, roadway lighting, and traffic and special bike signals