LTD West Eugene EmX Extension
Unique detection technology and transit priority solutions improve transit time reliability.
Quick Facts
Extends the Lane Transit District’s EmX BRT system into its third corridor in West Eugene
Led the transportation analysis and traffic engineering design services
Successfully led the team to a decision on detection technology and transit priority solutions well before the preliminary design plans were submitted
Improves transit time reliability
Construction began in 2014 and the project is scheduled to open in 2017
Our Work
Wrote the transportation chapter of the alternatives analysis report
Supported preliminary layout and conceptual engineering design
Supported travel demand forecast modeling
Developed the chapters of the EA related to parking, freight, pedestrians and bicycles
Provided additional traffic analysis and microsimulation modeling to evaluate design alternatives
Designed traffic signals, signing, and the transportation communications network during the design phase
Developed transit signal priority concept of operations
Evaluated transit vehicle detection options, including Opticom GPS, automated vehicle identification, and connected vehicle solutions
Used a systems engineering approach to evaluate transit priority and detection options
Supported LTD at public meetings as necessary
Coordinated with state and local transportation agencies