Quick Facts
Reduces transit travel times and keeps people moving quickly in these heavily used transit corridors
Provided ITS design for the A, B, C, and F lines and station electrical design for B, C, D, E, and F corridors
ITS design included more than 30 miles of fiber optic communications and RapidRide communications hardware at over 100 traffic signals
Our Work
Provided planning services for SDOT’s future RapidRide G Line
Provided work for future H Line and Delridge Corridor, I Line and Market/45th Line
Identified transit treatment, and signal and TSP timings to benefit transit speed and reliability for King County’s RapidRide A, B, C, E, F, G, and H Lines
Worked alongside Seattle City Light and City of Seattle to manage the electrical design for 36 stations for King County’s RapidRide D Line
Led ITS and signal design, which supported transit improvements and station design, for King County’s RapidRide A, B and F Lines