King County Metro RapidRide Projects, WA
Only consulting firm to work on all six current King County Metro RapidRide corridors, plus involvement in four future RapidRide lines.
Quick Facts
Reduces transit travel times and keeps people moving quickly in these heavily used transit corridors
Provided ITS design for the A, B, C, and F lines and station electrical design for B, C, D, E, and F corridors
ITS design included more than 30 miles of fiber optic communications and RapidRide communications hardware at over 100 traffic signals
Our Work
Provided planning services for SDOT’s future RapidRide G Line
Provided work for future H Line and Delridge Corridor, I Line and Market/45th Line
Identified transit treatment, and signal and TSP timings to benefit transit speed and reliability for King County’s RapidRide A, B, C, E, F, G, and H Lines
Worked alongside Seattle City Light and City of Seattle to manage the electrical design for 36 stations for King County’s RapidRide D Line
Led ITS and signal design, which supported transit improvements and station design, for King County’s RapidRide A, B and F Lines