ITD Highway Safety Corridor Analysis
Prioritizes safety improvement spending on projects where fatalities and injuries will be greatly reduced.
Quick Facts
Cost-effective safety study that encompasses 5,000 miles of roadway across six districts in Idaho
Helps ITD understand and prioritize spending on safety improvement projects that will result in the greatest reduction of fatalities and injuries
Helps ITD communicate with stakeholders and the public-at-large about its systematic and data-driven approach to prioritizing safety improvement projects
Identifies high-priority improvement locations due to limited available funding
Helps to reduce the number and severity of crashes along highways across the state
Our Work
Implemented an innovative, efficient, and cost-effective data-driven program to analyze roadway safety across the state
Developed a”safety health score” using five years of crash records and traffic volumes to narrow down over 5,000 miles to 1,100 miles of priority improvement segments
Identified 111 specific locations within the priority segments where the density and severity of crashes are the greatest
Identified high-priority locations needing safety improvements and evaluated and prioritized potential improvements
Developed crash countermeasures for each priority location by examining the crash causes, the roadway characteristics, and the human response characteristics using the Human Factors Guidelines
Used Highway Safety Manual to estimate the potential annual reduction in the number and severity of crashes