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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Non enim ipsa genuit hominem, sed accepit a natura inchoatum. Oratio me istius philosophi non offendit; Universa enim illorum ratione cum tota vestra confligendum puto. Si quae forte-possumus.

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DKS was very professional and experienced.
They delivered products that far exceeded my expectations.

Sub-text: This project is a part of the Green Lane Project to build better bike lanes in the U.S.
Check out this short video describing the rise of protected bike lanes in U.S.

News Content Slider

  • Variable speed limit signs coming to Portland

    Following the lead of several other states, Oregon has been experimenting successfully with variable speed limit signs for awhile now. Read more

  • Richard Hutchinson has joined DKS Seattle

    As a senior transportation project manager, Richard brings experience managing traffic signals, illumination systems, ITS, and roundabout analysis projects. He clearly communicates with clients and listens to truly understand and meet their needs. Richard has extensive experience with a wide range of computer applications such as Microsoft Project as well as transportation engineering applications that include Synchro, SimTraffic, SIDRA, HCS, … Read more

  • Parking Management System for Multnomah Falls Parking Lot Opens Today

    The parking lot located in the median of I-84 often reaches capacity, which results in vehicles queuing onto the I-84 exit ramp. The parking management system determines when the lot is close to capacity and closes the exit ramp with gates. DKS worked with ODOT to develop the concept of operations and produced the final design of the system, which includes automatic gates, vehicle detection, custom software, and communications. … Read more

  • DKS’s Maria Tribelhorn Publishes Book on Amazon

    The book’s goal is to introduce traffic signal control systems to students in a way that is familiar.  The book allows students to learn the fundamental principles of a signalized intersection by focusing on the automobile while laying the foundation for future courses that focus on other users (pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit) and more advanced traffic control schemes, such as actuated … Read more

  • DKS Hosts TRB Reception

    Nearly 50 people helped make this a great event!

  • ODOT Activates DKS Designed Active Traffic Management System

    The OR 217 signs, which were recently switched on, are the second in a series of ODOT projects using new technologies to help drivers make safe decisions by providing real time information to travelers. The information will automatically update every minute. The RealTime system on OR 217 includes advisory speed signs, which display an advisory speed based on the traffic ahead. The advisory speeds will change as real-time … Read more

  • Randy McCourt Celebrates 35 years with DKS

    Randy McCourt, President of DKS, recently celebrated his 35th anniversary as a DKS employee. As part of the celebration, Benny the Beaver paid a visit to the Portland office.

  • DKS Celebrates Halloween Spirit Week

    DKS staff dressed as The Village People, Sun Ra, and Rockers for Rock Band Day as part of DKS’s annual Halloween Spirit Week celebration.

  • The Sarasota Herald Tribune Newspaper Headline Reads – “What Traffic? Early birds beat the rush”

    Two weeks before the opening, DKS worked with FDOT, Sarasota County, and Manatee County to prepare a traffic management plan. The plan included retiming the traffic signals and installing fiber optic interconnect, a surveillance camera, and a new signal controller at a critical access point. In addition, DKS developed a plan for portable changeable message signs to advise people on … Read more

  • Sai Sirandas and Randy Johnson win Award at PTV Conference

    This presentation covered how multi-resolution modeling with PTV Vision software was used to support the final design of two BRT systems in a cost-effective manner. Sai and Randy presented two examples that looked at the pros and cons of the methodologies applied, unique design and operational treatments, and various traffic and transit operational performance measures used to evaluate the treatments. The … Read more

  • DKS Volunteers to Help Alameda County Measure BB–A Key Transportation Measure

    Measure BB will generate nearly $8 billion over 30 years for essential transportation improvements in every city in Alameda County, and will yield $20 billion in economic activity in the Bay Area and generate nearly 150,000 local jobs.  Measure BB will: Expand BART, bus and commuter rail for reliable, safe and fast services Keep fares affordable for seniors, youth and people … Read more

  • Willamette Falls Legacy Wins ASLA Merit Award for Planning

    As a sub consultant to Walker Macy, DKS led the transportation planning and analysis for the rezoning of the Willamette Falls Legacy Project site and established a multimodal mixed-use area (MMA).  As a part of establishing an MMA for the site, DKS evaluated the transportation infrastructure in the study area using a variety of measures to document the deficiencies of the transportation system. The review included safety of the … Read more

  • ODOT RealTime Program Wins WTS Oregon Innovative Project of the Year

    DKS evaluated alternatives and prepared final design plans, specifications and estimates, and systems engineering documents, which include a concept of operations and requirements for the new OR 217 Active Traffic Management (ATM) Project. The OR 217 ATM Project includes an advisory speed system with corresponding advisory speed signs that change speeds based on current traffic and weather conditions; a traveler time … Read more

  • Congratulations to All 2015 ACEC Oregon Engineering Excellence Award Winners

    In addition to the two honor awards DKS received for the OR 217 ATM project and the Westside Freight Access & Logistics Analysis, DKS is proud to be associated with six projects that received awards, including: HHPR’s Highway 212 – Lawnfield Road Connector, Phase 3 for Clackamas County HHPR’s Main Street Improvements for the City of Tigard and the Oregon … Read more

  • Tom Krakow Nominated for ITE Professional of the Year

    Tom, a principal in DKS’s Oakland office, has an excellent reputation in the field of traffic engineering improvement projects and roadway improvement projects. Many of Tom’s projects are in urban areas where he has made use of resources, integrating logic and technical ingenuity to deliver effective solutions.

  • FHWA Talks Freight with Chris Maciejewski of DKS on February 18 at 10:00 AM PST

    FHWA: February Talking Freight Webinar. Click to Register Focus: Analyzing Regional and Interregional Freight Movements and Infrastructure Investment Decisions Date/Time: February 18, 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM PST Westside Freight Access and Logistics Study Chris led the team in identifying near-term transportation improvements focused on how to significantly increase the speed, efficiency, and reliability of shipments. The outcomes of the study have … Read more

  • DKS Helps the City of Seattle Synchronize 300 Signals in the Center City Area

    SDOT Next Generation ITS Signal Retiming DKS is working with the City of Seattle to develop enhanced signal timing models that respond to real-time traffic volume and travel time data and automatically change signal timing patterns for Seattle’s Center City area. This project will improve travel times, freeway access, and transit speed and reliability. This project includes installation of dynamic … Read more

  • Cyclists Ready to Roll & Mayor Applauds Platt Street Buffered Bicycle Lane in Tampa, FL

    The City of Tampa is currently constructing its first separated, green bike lane along Platt Street in South Tampa, which is on schedule to be complete by Friday, March 27, 2015. The design is the first of its kind in Tampa. The new bike lane runs from Armenia Avenue to Bayshore Boulevard, and is separated from vehicle travel lanes. … To … Read more

  • ITE & WTS Host Workshop on Smart Cities at Intel Campus on April 22

    The Institute of Transportation Engineers (Oregon ITE) and Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS Portland) in partnership with Intel and Portland State University are hosting a workshop that brings together a cross section of transportation professionals and technologists to explore the rapid technological changes that are impacting how we plan, build and operate our transportation system. The Road to Smart Mobility Workshop … Read more

  • Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) Debuts in Cotati, CA

    The first SMART trains arrived for their unveiling at the Cotati train station. DKS worked directly with Sonoma County Transit on the design of a park-and-ride lot and transit building, which will serve the new train station along East Cotati Avenue. The 1.5-acre parcel contains a new train station platform, bus drop-off area, a park-and-ride lot, and a multi-use transit/train … Read more

  • DKS Donates to

    Thank you to all of our clients who responded to our client survey. Because of you, we donated $5,025 to      

  • ODOT Wins 2015 Best of ITS Award

    ITS America Best of ITS Awards program is highly competitive and recognizes the most innovative projects and influential achievements in the high-tech transportation community. The Best of ITS Awards recognizes organizations whose projects have demonstrated specific and measurable outcomes and exemplified innovation by establishing a “new dimension” of performance. ODOT was recognized as a winner during the Opening Plenary session at the 25th ITS … Read more

  • One-Way Street Near Tacoma Amtrak Station Will Allow Better Station Access

    The DKS Study said changing the quarter-mile segment of East 25th Street to one-way won’t have any major effects on existing traffic on the busy street that’s the site of a major transit parking garage, a light rail track, a Sounder commuter rail station and Freighthouse’s restaurants and retail business. Read more

  • Adrian Pearmine Joins DKS as National Director for Smart Cities & Connected Vehicles

    With 20 years of experience, Adrian Pearmine has joined DKS to focus on smart cities and connected vehicle technology. Based on his experience in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and systems engineering for transit and transportation projects, Adrian will work with government agencies and private corporations to help explore options and make sound decisions to build a transformative future in today’s ever-changing … Read more

  • FHWA Bicycle & Pedestrian Funding

    What are the USDOT Funding Programs and Opportunities? Read more

  • Portland Business Journal Promotes ‘Smart Cities’ Movement

    Adrian Pearmine, the National Director for Smart Cities and Connected Vehicles for DKS Associates, published an article in the Portland Business Journal on Portland's Smart Cities Movement. Read more

  • Supporting PSU’s Initiative for Bicycle & Pedestrian Innovation

    DKS is pleased to support Portland State University’s Initiative for Bicycle & Pedestrian Innovation (IBPI) by contributing to the Innovation in Active Transportation Endowed Scholarship fund. Jim Peters of DKS provided input at the recent Ann Niles Active Transportation Lecture, which kicked-off the scholarship drive. The lecture series keeps alive the spirit of Ann Niles’ advocacy to create livable neighborhoods and make Portland a safe … Read more

  • City of Tampa Complete Streets Project Wins MPO Planning and Design Award

    The City of Tampa’s Platt/Cleveland One-way Pair Buffered Bike Lanes project won a 2015 Planning and Design Award from Hillsborough County Metropolitan Planning Organization. As the City’s first ever separated green bike lane, this project is significant by creating a new model for cycling infrastructure and safer streets. The project included door zones adjacent to bike lane and green pavement … Read more

  • Latest Data Proves the DKS/ODOT Award-Winning ATM Project Delivers a Safer and More Mobile OR 217

    Oregon Department of Transportation sent this bulletin at 12/29/2015 07:00 AM PST The number of crashes on OR 217 dropped by nearly 21 percent in the year since activation of the ODOT RealTime traffic signs while traffic volumes in the region increased.  Data collected by ODOT since the RealTime project was activated in July 2014 shows a drop in the … Read more

  • ITE Hosts Road to Smart Mobility Workshop II at Intel on April 26

    The Institute of Transportation Engineers (Oregon ITE) in partnership with Women’s TransportationSeminar (WTS Portland), Intel, Portland State University and the Technology Association of Oregon are hosting a workshop that brings together a cross section of transportation professionals and technologists to explore the rapid technological changes that are impacting how we plan, build and operate our transportation system. The event will be held at the Intel … Read more

  • DKS Helps WSDOT Analyze Closure

    DKS analyzed the traffic impact on the first Monday morning commute with the Alaska Way Viaduct closure in effect in Seattle. The highway system was truly tested; with heavier traffic all around Seattle as more people commuted on Monday in comparison to the closure’s first day last Friday. DKS’ review only includes the live traffic during peak hours, not the … Read more

  • DKS Helps WSDOT Analysis Closure (Update)

    Traffic behaviors have not changed over the last two days during the Alaska Way Viaduct Closure in Seattle. At this point, people have adjusted to different transportation modes, are telecommuting or changed their working hours. Seattle has likely reached the standard traffic pattern during the closure, but DKS will continue analysis if there are any anomalies.  

  • DKS Helps WSDOT Analysis Closure

    Thursday morning traffic continued to prove our analysis from the day prior, which found commuters adjusted to the Alaskan Way Viaduct Closure as similar congestion patterns appeared over the week.

  • DKS Leads Traffic Analysis During Seattle’s 99 Closure

    Friday AM analysis: Seattle saw significantly more traffic than usual on I-5, I-90, SR520, and West Seattle Bridge on the second Friday morning commute during the 99 closure. With peak traffic hitting around 7:30 a.m. and 8:45 a.m., the corridor congestion dissipated as soon as 9 a.m. hit and commuters mostly made it to their offices.  Twitter Tips- #ITSWA15 – … Read more

  • #99 Closure Opened – Monday AM Commute with Viaduct Reopened a Week Early

    WSDOT opened the Alaskan Way Viaduct one week early as the tunneling process passed safely underneath. Seattle quickly saw relief as it returned to the average 30 percent of main traffic flow going in and out of the city. This morning’s new SR 520 bottleneck traffic shows the true shift in the congestion point after the Viaduct reopened.

  • DKS’s Adrian Pearmine in the news  

  • Stay Tuned!

    Traffic analysis for Memorial Day weekend of five west coast cities to come!

  • Trying to Avoid Traffic?

    Most commuters will try to leave early or they’ll wait in traffic before the three-day Memorial Day weekend. If you’re trying to find a good gap to get through these cities on the Friday before the Memorial Day weekend, you’ll need to try to fit the commute into one of the green zones shown below. Typically, holiday traffic will narrow these bands … Read more

  • Major Signal Retiming Improves Traffic Flow on Key Center City Corridors

    Major Signal Retiming Improves Traffic Flow on Key Center City Corridors

  • DKS’ Southern California Offices Moves!

    We’re on the Move! Our Southern California office has relocated. Please note our new address and phone number effective June 20, 2106: 2401 E. Katella Ave., Suite 425 Anaheim, CA 92806 657.284.2620

  • 1-80 Smart Corridor to go LIVE

    The I-80 Smart Corridor project is about to go LIVE. The first phase of the I-80 ICM’s active traffic management is complete. DKS, as a sub-consultant to Kimley-Horn and Associates, developed the key systems engineering documents (Concept of Operation, System Requirements, updated Systems Engineering Management Plan, or SEMP) and the technical specification and RFP for the central management software. DKS principal, Kevin Fehon, is … Read more

  • DKS Awarded Caltrans Regional ITS Master Plan

    DKS Associates is introducing the next generation of ITS to the 16 counties in the North State Super Region for Caltrans (Districts 1, 2 and part of 3) through development of a Regional ITS Master Plan for northern California. The region is predominantly rural, with a large urban area around Redding in Shashta County. The plan provides a framework for updating and further … Read more

  • Seattle Transit Options for Labor Day Weekend

    Looking for a better way to get around Seattle this Labor Day weekend? We’ve gathered the best public transit options to get you where you want to be. Less time sitting in traffic, more time enjoying your weekend.

  • Adrian Pearmine to Present at ITS California

    DKS’ Adrian Pearmine will be presenting at ITS California on October 13, 2016 on ODOT’s recent Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Roadmap, ODOT’s CV Pilot and Demonstration Developments, and Portland Metro Region’s Next Generation Transit Signal Priority Plans Utilizing CV. Tweets by ITS_California

  • DKS Helps Get Update on Transportation Systems Plan

    DKS helps Commissioners get update on Transportation System Plan –  #GoogleAlerts

  • Doing Less With More

    FEATURE | DENNIS MITCHELL | OCTOBER 07, 2016 Doing more with less Active traffic management along Oregon’s Rte. 217 makes for a better way to drive Oregon Rte. 217 (OR 217) has always been a nightmare for drivers on Portland’s west side.   The limited access highway runs north-south for 7.5 miles through the western suburbs of Beaverton and Tigard … Read more

  • OMSI Announces Master Planning Team

    OMSI to move forward with a master plan for their 16-acre campus in Portland, Oregon. Click on the attached link for more information.  

  • Kenny Chao to speak on The Future of Engineering Technology

    DKS Associates DKS’ Kenny Chao to participate on a panel discussion on The Future of Engineering Technology breakfast on Thursday, November 3 from 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m at Avenue of the Arts Hotel, located on 3350 Avenue of the Arts, Costa Mesa, California 92626. Additional information can be found on the event website:

  • Bobby Sidhu to Present at TRB in January

    DKS Associates DKS’ Bobby Sidhu to present at TRB’s 96th Annual Meeting January 8-12th, 2017 in D.C. on “Exploiting New High-Resolution Transit Data Sources: Developing Improved Data-Driven Models of Transit Travel Time and Delay.” Visit the link to the interactive TRB program at:

  • Joshua Pilachowski to speak at TRANSOC on November 15

    Joshua Pilachowski to speak at 2nd Annual TRANSOC Career Panel November 15th @ 6:30 PM.

  • Renee Hurtado and Deena Platman serve as contributing authors for FHWA’s desk reference

    Renee Hurtado and Deena Platman serve as contributing authors for FHWA’s Planning for Transportation Systems Management and Operations Within Corridors desk reference. planning-for-transportation-sytems-desk-reference

  • Adrian Pearmine to present at Westside Economic Alliance on 12/8/16

    Adrian Pearmine to present at Westside Economic Alliance on Innovation & Collaboration That Drives a Smarter Transportation World on 12/8/16. Join the Westside Economic Alliance for the final breakfast forum of 2016 to hear from a panel of smart transportation experts:

  • Bianca Popescu to Present at TRB in Washington DC

    Bianca Popescu with DKS’ Seattle office was selected to participate at a poster event at the Transportation Research Board (TRB) event in Washington, DC on January 10, 2017. At the poster event, entitled Vulnerable Road Users: Analysis of Pedestrian and Bicycle Crashes, Bianca will present her paper, “Developing Macro-Level Collision Prediction Models to Evaluate Bicycle Safety in the City of … Read more

  • Adrian Pearmine to speak at NewTech PDX

    Adrian Pearmine to speak at NewTech PDX on 12/19/16 in Portland, Oregon about the cool and amazing technologies being developed by Portland companies.  

  • DKS and Moonshadow Mobile form Partnership

    DKS and Moonshadow Mobile form partnership to collaborate on the development of solutions for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles and other data-intensive applications. dks-and-moon-shadow-press-release-1-6-17

  • DKS Mentioned in Spokesman-Review

    DKS mentioned in the Spokesman-Review

  • DKS Forms Partnership with iSoftStone

    DKS Associates and iSoftStone North America announced a new partnership to join efforts in offering new services that integrate DKS’s intelligent transportation offerings with iSoftStone’s smart city solutions. This collaboration provides the public and private sector with comprehensive, end-to-end services across the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) domain. The combined technology and service offerings will initially focus on helping government entities … Read more

  • DKS helps PBOT with the Vision Zero Action Plan

    DKS assisted the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) with the development of the Vision Zero Action Plan. To date, this is the most extensive and thorough call to arms to help reduce road fatalities. The plan was created with help from a task force and advisory committee, which included representatives from DKS, a group of people representing the broad, and complex demographic … Read more

  • FDOT to fix turn lane safety issues

    See article highlighting DKS’s traffic safety corridor study on 66th Street in St. Petersburg, Florida. For two years, the Florida Department of Transportation has been holding public meetings, talking with elected officials and collecting crash data along 66th Street North from Pasadena through St. Petersburg with the goal of making the drive on one of the County’s busiest streets safer.

  • Portland hosts cities from around the world in Smart City conference

    A smart city product showcase on Feb. 1 will feature a mix of startups, small and large tech companies, including Intel, Cisco, Apis, CIVIQ Smartscapes, Studio Transcendent, DKS Associates, iSoftStone, Moonshadow Mobile and Metro.

  • DKS cited in

    Fremont, California Caught Shortening Yellow Times Documents show Fremont, California boosted red light camera profit $200,000 per month by shortening yellow time.

  • DKS Highlighted in Smart Cities World

    DKS highlighted in Smart Cities World with iSoftStone to create intelligent transportation services.

  • DKS’ Ana Roeszler Quoted in The Times

    It seems Tualatin’s streetlights won’t be converted en masse to light-emitting diode fixtures anytime soon.  

  • Improved Mobility Plan Approved

    DKS and HHPR work with Clackamas County to gain approval for its ~$26 million improved mobility plan. Motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians to benefit from more than 30 projects planned in Clackamas Regional Center area.  

  • Optimizing Urban Bus Transit Network Design Can Lead to Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction

    DKS’ Tal Sztainer’s “Optimizing Urban Bus Transit Network Design Can Lead to Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction” article published. Optimizing Urban Bus Transit Network-Tal Sztainer

  • The Destiny of Future-Focused Technologies

    Experts Deliver Insights at Executive IoT and Cloud Security Summit The Destiny of Future-Focused Technologies

  • State looking for ways to ease Interstate 90 congestion through Spokane

    State transportation officials are looking for ways to head off traffic congestion on Interstate 90 through Spokane.

  • Renee Hurtado wins WTS’ Member of the Year Award for the Heart of Texas Chapter

    Congratulations to DKS’ Renee Hurtado (right) who was awarded WTS’ Member of the Year for the Heart of Texas (Austin) Chapter!

  • Sherief Elbassuoni helps ITE design new website

    Sherief Elbassuoni helps ITE design new website. Check out the new website mentioned in the ITE Newsletter.

  • Moonshadow Mobile and DKS Associates Announce DB4IoT/RouteAnalyst

    Moonshadow Mobile and DKS Associates announce the release of DB4IoT/RouteAnalyst, a breakthrough technology that gives transportation engineers and planners the ability to view hundreds of millions of movement points instantly and show exactly when and where traffic is slowing down bus movement and creating service delays. Moonshadow Mobile and DKS Announce DB4IoT-Route Analyst Release 6-2-17

  • Mike Usen authors “Ready for a revolution in urban transportation” article in the Seattle DJC.

    We are on the cusp of three game changers: vehicle electrification, automation and shared usage.

  • Randy McCourt, President
    Past President Randy McCourt receives ITE Lifetime Achievement Award

    The Lifetime Achievement Award is the Western District’s highest honor and recognition of professional accomplishment and service to the District, the Institute of Transportation Engineers and the profession of transportation engineering and planning. DKS is proud to honor past President Randy McCourt as the 2017 award winner.

  • Peter Coffey Elected New DKS President

    DKS Associates has elected Peter Coffey as its new President. Peter will have responsibility for providing overall leadership to advance the company’s growth, providing oversight and strategic direction to each of the firm’s seven offices. “I am both honored and excited about the future to extend DKS’ legacy,” said Coffey. “Our firm will continue to focus on shaping the future … Read more

  • Carl Springer addresses the Gearhart Planning Commission

    Carl Springer addresses the Gearhart Planning Commission on the vitality of grant funding

  • Gearhart transit plan gets green light

    With the goal of identifying future transportation needs and opening the door to grant funding, the City Council has a transportation system plan.

  • Eclipse-egedeon Traffic Updates

    DKS is using smart analytics to track traffic and vehicle speed leaving Portland (southbound) through Tuesday. Below are the results demonstrating the average from the past 10 Thursdays after Memorial Day, compared to yesterday. On Monday we will list results from Friday, Saturday and Sunday and compare once again! Then on Tuesday we will share results from the day of the big event and once … Read more

  • Union Street Bicycle Track is On Track

    Pasadena is on track to realize its plan to install a modern protected bicycle track on Union Street, perhaps even sooner than previously thought, using grant funds from Metro and some local counterpart funds.  

  • Jean Senechal Biggs to speak at ASLA 2017

    Jean Senechal Biggs discusses how to apply the principles and design of Portland’s Orange Line with TriMet, ZGF and Mayer/Reed at #ASLA2017. Video courtesy of Mayer/Reed

  • Bridging a transition from a historic span to new one

    The design for a 300-foot-long bridge across the White River calls for a wireless sound system and programmable lights.  

  • Tweaking traffic in tech-savvy times

    Drivers in cities who encounter a new sign prohibiting a left turn or a roundabout or a motor vehicle diverter might be able to blame navigation apps for that obstacle. Tweaking traffic in tech-savvy times

  • Mobility is Key to Future of Transportation

    DKS highlighted in Inc. Magazine on mobility being the key to the future of transportation.  

  • Cities smart to grow together

    DKS highlighted in The Columbian on how cities can use and share IT to better serve citizens.

  • David Evans and Associates recognized as ENR’s Northwest Design Firm of the Year

    Congratulations to David Evans and Associates on being recognized as ENR’s Northwest Design Firm of the Year.

  • Randy McCourt published in the IMSA Journal

    Randy McCourt published in the IMSA Journal on how the MUTCD can best address emerging and current technology.

  • Strong turnout at the Corvallis transportation plan forum

    DKS provides technical and consulting services to the city of Corvallis transportation system plan.

  • Brian Chandler joins DKS as Director of Transportation Safety

    Brian Chandler joins DKS as the Director of Transportation Safety. In this role he will be developing and growing DKS’s already established Transportation Safety Services, reaffirming DKS’s commitment to safety. He will use his real-world experience in roadway safety engineering, safety management, and data analysis to help clients reduce the number and severity of transportation-related crashes in their jurisdictions. Brian … Read more

  • DKS hires Tom Williams as Transportation Planning Practice Leader

    Tom Williams joins DKS as the Texas Transportation Planning Practice Leader bringing 30 years of experience in transportation modeling, urban planning, and project management. His background includes travel modeling and GIS, demographic forecasting, data collection, systems design, transportation planning, policy planning, training, teaching, project management, and business management. He has developed several regional, sub-regional, freight forecasting, and statewide transportation and … Read more

  • Councilors get shot at transportation feedback

    Corvallis Councilor, City Engineer and DKS’ John Bosket discuss the city’s transportation system plan update at an open house at the Public Works Department.

  • DKS’ Ashley Kim Participates in WTS’ Girl’s Engineering Day

    Ashley Kim talked to students about how getting scholarships from WTS supported her education at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.

  • Randy McCourt Elected ITE International Vice President

    Congratulations to DKS’ own Randy McCourt who was elected as the 2019 Institute of Transportation Engineers International Vice President. Randy’s campaign promise is “To enhance the ITE member experience through networking, partnerships, and technical expertise.” He joined ITE in 1976 and has served at the International, District, and Section levels of ITE. Randy’s role as ITE Vice President will focus on … Read more

  • Adrian Pearmine weighs in on Morality and The Third Mobility Revolution

    DKS’ Adrian Pearmine comments on witnessing the third mobility revolution, that brings with it an opportunity like never before to correct past oversights and design cities to reflect a desire for livable cities. Morality and The Third Mobility Revolution

  • North Bend approves road realignment and new traffic consultants

    The new transportation consultants, DKS Associates and TSI Transportation Solutions Inc, were approved to begin contracts for the city. North Bend approves road realignment and new traffic consultants  

  • Filling finance gap for new sewer plant could be a challenge

    DKS involved in planning the Innovation Gateway project using a state Transportation Growth Management grant in John Day, OR. Read more

  • DKS Highlighted in Half Bay Review

    DKS highlighted in Half Moon Bay Review for our work along the Highway 92 corridor between Highway 1 and Main Street in San Mateo County, CA.

  • DKS and HAAS Alert Announce Partnership

    DKS Associates and HAAS Alert announce partnership to aid cities and communities in preventing motorist collisions with emergency vehicles, city crews, utility and roadway operators. DKS and HAAS Alert will work together to facilitate the deployment of life-saving technology for emergency responders, utility crews and other city fleets that employ personnel who perform dangerous operations in the roadway. The partnership … Read more

  • National traffic deaths fall after two years of increases

    Brian Chandler weighs in on NHTSA’s release of 2017 national traffic fatality numbers that are down slightly from 2015 and 2016.

  • DKS works with PBOT to reconnect NW Portland under U.S. 30

    DKS works with PBOT to reconnect NW Portland under U.S. 30 to grow housing and build protected bike lanes.

  • DKS partners with Halo Car

    DKS Associates and Halo Car announce partnership to deploy Vehicle Service Automation solutions

  • Analyzing Vehicle Movement Data

    Current Challenges and Future Promises by Adrian Pearmine with DKS and Eimar Boesjes with Moonshadow Mobile as highlighted in the ITE Journal.

  • How Transit Is Turning to Tech to Cut Through Congestion

    TriMet is exploring a range of advancements so vehicles can operate more efficiently and cut through congestion.—.html

  • Updating Regional Transportation Planning and Modeling Tools to Address Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles

    Tom Williams in our Austin, TX office co-authors the NCHRP publication on Updating Regional Transportation Planning and Modeling Tools to Address Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles.

  • Randy McCourt Receives DJC Icon Award

    Congratulations to Randy McCourt for being a recipient of the DJC’s Icon award. This award honors the local building industry’s long-time leaders that have shaped the future of construction, architecture, engineering and related industries in the region.  

  • Innovating and Managing Transit in the Era of New Mobility

    On November 14, 2018, Meeting of the Minds hosted a free, live webinar featuring Adrian Pearmine of DKS Associates and AJ O’Connor of TriMet.

  • Reser Center plans get city approval

    Beaverton Planning Commission clears $46 million arts center named for Patricia Reser and $6.8 million parking garage next to it.

  • Maggie Lin published in the Journal of Transportation

    DKS’ Dongmei “Maggie” Lin published in the Journal of Transportation on “Microsimulation Analysis of Traffic Operations at Two Diamond Interchange Types.”

  • Meet the Experts Behind Our 40 Predictions Campaign

      Our team of experts are DKS transportation leaders who are at the forefront of what is happening in the evolving space of smart cities and smart mobility. They have been elected to national committees, and serve on boards dedicated to the advancement in this space. They have established networks of key professionals across the country, won awards, published articles, … Read more

  • 40 Predictions for the Future of Transportation

      Follow us each week on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to see how many of these predictions ring true,how many surprise you, and which ones could happen much sooner than many of us were expecting! #DKS40PREDICTIONS                                                 … Read more

  • Pasadena’s First Two-Way Protected Bike Lane

    A project which has slowly been pedaling through funding and design stages will be at center stage tonight when Pasadena’s Department of Transportation hosts a public meeting to gather input from residents to guide finalizing the plan.

  • Generate Freeway Origin-Destination Matrices Interactively In DB4IoT with INRIX Trips

  • DKS Uses New Regional INRIX Vehicle Data with Moonshadow Mobile DB4IoT Platform

    DKS is working with Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council (RTC) conducting a Regional Origin-Destination (OD) Study to understand regional travel patterns and help inform future transportation decisions in Clark County, Washington. Studying regional origin-destination behavior is critical in understanding the big picture travel patterns of where people really need to go – not what road they happen to be on … Read more

  • DKS’ Brian Chandler published in ITE’s July Journal

    DKS’ Brian Chandler published in ITE’s Journal on Getting Your Message Across: Let the MUTCD Be Your Guide

  • Kayla Fleskes published on the influence of bicyclist presence on driver performance during automated vehicle take-over requests

    DKS’ Kayla Fleskes completed her MS Thesis and wrote this thought-provoking article on automated vehicles takeover requests near bicyclists.

  • Jim Peters’ take on how electric vehicles can save the planet

    Jim Peters presented at Ignite, hosted by the Technology Association of Oregon, on the topic, ‘Can electric vehicles save the planet?’ Each presenter gave a 5-minute, thought-provoking talk related to technology and their professional/personal passions. You can check out what Jim had to say here:

  • Randy McCourt sworn in as ITE International President

    Congratulations to DKS’ Randy McCourt on being sworn in as the incoming ITE International President.

  • How Next-Gen Mobile Networks Will Transform Transportation Infrastructure

    Adrian Pearmine addresses how our highways and transportation ecosystems will transform as driverless cars begin to communicate, analyze and operate on their own.

  • DKS is Proud to Announce the Appointment of Our Newest Principals

    Learn more about our newest principals:  Wintana Miller joined DKS in 2007 and is the Seattle Group Manager. As a Professional Traffic Operations Engineer and a Professional Engineer licensed in Washington state, Wintana has extensive experience as a traffic engineering designer and transportation modeler specializing in transit and traffic operation, travel demand forecasting, and feasibility analysis for transit route improvements. … Read more

  • DKS & Moonshadow Mobile team up to deliver unsurpassed traffic analytics

    Using innovative connected vehicle and mobility data, DKS Associates and Moonshadow Mobile have created groundbreaking mobility products and services.

  • City of Estacada receives award for active transportation plan

    The city of Estacada received a $134,000 grant from the Oregon Department of Transportation to create a full-length active transportation plan and did so in collaboration with DKS Associates and local public and technical advisory committees.

  • What our evolving mobility options mean for designers and developers

    DKS’ Brian Chandler contributes to the Seattle DJC on how the demand for parking is beginning to fall in urban areas as people seek alternatives to driving.

  • Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis presented for Kelly Lane

    DKS presents recommendations to the city of Pflugerville on how to reduce traffic congestion and address safety concerns.

  • Brian Chandler Achieves New RSP Level 2 Certifications

    Brian Chandler, National Director for Transportation Safety at DKS, achieved the Road Safety Professional (RSP) Level 2 certification in both infrastructure and behavioral specialties. He is currently one of four individuals to have passed Level 2 exams in both safety areas. This exam and certification were developed by the Transportation Professional Certification Board (TPCB)—the same organization that administers the Professional … Read more

  • EV Charging Infrastructure Grants

    Attention municipal #fleet managers in Washington State: $10.6 million in competitive grants will soon be available to fund your fleet’s #ev charging infrastructure. A Letter of Intent is due by 3:00 March 5, 2020 and the completed Application is due May 5, 2020. Contact to learn how he can help make your application as competitive as possible. ETS-RFA-2020

  • Throwing Our Car Culture Under the Bus

    DKS’ Veronica Sullivan is highlighted in the Tedx Talk from Dan Hendry who spoke in Ottawa about how transformative it is to start training youth to use public transit. Dan includes Veronica and her research at minute 7:00. We congratulate Veronica on being part of the movement to offer free transit passes to high school students, helping to improve youth … Read more

  • DKS helps boost pedestrian safety in Walla Walla, WA

    DKS helps Walla Walla, WA boost pedestrian safety.

  • DKS COVID-19 Procedures

    At DKS Associates, the health and safety of our employees and their families is of paramount importance to us.  

  • DKS works with the city of Pflugerville on Phase 4 of the Kelly Lane Major Investment Study

    Phase 4 will specifically focus on mobility along Town Center Drive from Pfluger Farm Lane to FM 685 as well as the future extension of Pfluger Farm from Town Center to Wilke Lane. (Courtesy city of Pflugerville).

  • DKS welcomes Jim Damkowitch to our Sacramento office!

    Jim Damkowitch joins our Sacramento office as Managing Director.

  • Finding Data to Keep Things Moving

    The COVID-19 pandemic has interrupted our lives. Closed businesses and schools and the rise of telecommuting all impact travel. State and local transportation agencies are facing big questions about how to measure traffic in these uncertain times to keep their planning programs moving. Don’t fear, there is hope. Until travel conditions return to a new normal, DKS staff can provide … Read more

  • DKS helps the city of Walla Walla launch a virtual open house for downtown reconstruction project

    The city of Walla Walla hosted a virtual open house to learn about a proposed reconstruction project on Poplar, Alder and Palouse streets.

  • The DKS Perspective on the Divsion Transit and Development Project

    DKS highlights our work on the Division Transit and Development Project in Portland, OR. Division Street Transit Project

  • DKS Provides Expertise in Transportation Grants

    We are excited to share with you, our colleagues, clients, and friends, DKS projects from our perspective. We work on interesting but defining projects in our communities and this is our opportunity to highlight some of the unique aspects of this important work.

  • Grey Means Go: Colorblindness in Transportation

    DKS’s Brian Chandler writes about colorblindness in transportation.

  • Bend Parkway draft plan moves forward for final review

    John Bosket talks about the Bend Parkway upgrade plan.  

  • Grey Means Go: Signing for Colorblind Travelers

    DKS’s Brian Chandler, National Director for Transportation Safety, explores color vision deficiency in transportation.

  • ODOT shares Bend Parkway plan

    DKS’s John Bosket helped develop the draft plan to help mitigate congestion.

  • TSMO Implementation in Washington State

    DKS assists WSDOT in creating their TSMO Program through the National Operations Center of Excellence

  • Pavement marking through the lens of colorblind travelers

    How do we stripe our roads? How should we stripe our roads? This week we take a look at pavement marking through the lens of colorblind drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

  • Grey Means Go: Traffic Signals and the Colorblind

    At signalized intersections, color alone is used to distinguish between opposing messages.

  • DKS Welcomes Alan Clelland!

    Alan Clelland joins our Southern California team as the ITS/Connected Vehicle Leader.

  • Grey Means Go: Colorblindness in Transportation

    Up to 90 percent of what road users use to navigate is visual, and much of that information is color-specific.

  • The Future of Transit Signal Priority (TSP) Architecture

    As traffic congestion is anticipated to increase three-fold over the next 25 years in Portland, Oregon, TriMet is in the process of expanding its transit service to meet the rising demand for increased ridership. The Future of Transit Signal Priority

  • Meet DKS’ Seattle Planning Practice Team Leaders!

    Meet our Seattle Planning Practice Team Leads

  • Happy 2021!

    As 2020 comes to a close, DKS wishes our clients, colleagues, and friends a prosperous New Year!

  • DKS recognized as a Bike Friendly Business

    The League of American Bicyclists recognized DKS with a Silver designation award as a Bicycle Friendly Business, joining more than 1,400 visionary businesses across the country contributing to the movement to build a more Bicycle Friendly America. DKS joins 43 total new and renewing BFBs in the League’s latest round of business awards and BFBs nationwide, including everything from government … Read more

  • Saving Lives with Connected Vehicle Data

    For those of you that missed our webinar on using connected vehicle big data to improve safety on 2/25/21, a recording of the webinar is available here.

  • Richard Hutchinson receives promotion to Regional Director

    Congratulations to Richard Hutchinson on his promotion to Regional Director!

  • How Big Data was used to assess transportation equity in Lane County, Oregon

    Hear how Amanda Deering and Kelly White assessed transportation equity in Oregon. They identified Title VI communities of concern, (minority, elderly, disabled, and lower-income populations), through analysis of these communities’ unique travel patterns.  

  • ITE Highlights Brian Chandler in its June Journal

    See Brian Chandler’s member profile in ITE’s June Journal highlighting Building a Safety Legacy.

  • John Bosket discusses alternatives to ODOT’s Highway 97-Baker Road interchange

    “We are projecting a tremendous amount of congestion,” explains Bosket.

  • Carl Springer talks with citizens in King City Community Park

    King City plans to develop its urban growth boundary area called Kingston Terrace.

  • DKS and Moonshadow Mobile introduce Arterial Insights

    DKS and Moonshadow Mobile announce Arterial Insights: An online tool that measures the performance of traffic corridors and signalized intersections. Moonshadow Mobile and DKS Announce Arterial Insights

  • Newport, Oregon transportation plan heading to the city’s planning commission

    Newport’s plan for transportation investment is readying to send final recommendations to the city’s planning commission.

  • Clark County unveils plan for Northeast 179th Street improvements

    Roundabout, turn lane added as part of road improvement plan.,283770

  • Elwert Road – Kruger Road Intersection win Honor Award from ACEC Oregon

    Congratulations to HDR and the entire project team for being awarded an Honor Award from ACEC Oregon on the Elwert Road – Kruger Road Intersection.  

  • Clackamas Regional Center Mobility Improvements wins ACEC Oregon Honor Award

    DKS congratulates Harper Harper Houf Peterson Righellis and the entire project team for being awarded an Honor Award from ACEC Oregon for the Clackamas Regional Center Mobility Improvements project.

  • Willamette Falls Drive Streetscape Improvements wins ACEC Oregon’s Best in Category Award for Transportation

    Congratulations to Harper Houf Peterson Righellis for winning ACEC Oregon’s Best in Category for Transportation for the Willamette Falls Drive Streetscape Improvements project. It was an honor to be on your team!  

  • DKS helps seek grant money for cities in Washington

    DKS helps the cities of Camas and Washougal focus on road safety by helping to seek state grant money to revamp dangerous roadways, intersections

  • DKS assists the El Dorado County Transportation Commission to provide access and safety improvements

    DKS assists with a multimodal corridor plan for State Route 49 in the American River Confluence area.

  • Join DKS and Moonshadow for a free webinar on How to Procure and Use Connected Vehcile Data

    Join DKS and Moonshadow for a free webinar on How to Procure and Use Connected Vehicle Data on May 10 at noon. Register for the webinar here. After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.  

  • DKS’ Sacramento office has moved!

    See details on our new office location.

  • Lacy Brown co-authors article on Implementing a Safety Culture: Experience from the Private Sector

    Check out Lacy Brown’s co-authored article on posted on the FHWA Safety Compass Newsletter and website.

  • Notice of Funding Opportunity for Safe Streets and Roads for All

    The USDOT has released a new Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A), a $5 Billion, 5-year discretionary program focused on the safety of local roadways. One important element of SS4A is a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan, which is a required element for an agency to apply for an Implementation Grant. USDOT has developed … Read more

  • Umatilla County, Oregon spearheading digital mapping for rual roads

    DKS is helping Umatilla County, Oregon, be the first in the nation to digitally map real-time traffic flows on county roads. County is spearheading digital mapping for rural roads

  • It’s a new day for transit on Portland’s Division Street

    The FX 2 – Division project will improve the reliability of bus transit—and people’s lives   The future of transit has arrived. The long-awaited project to make bus transportation more efficient, reliable and safe along Portland’s Division Street corridor opened on September 17th. TriMet’s Division FX is a national example of how cutting-edge technology and human-centered design can significantly improve … Read more

  • Brian Chandler Discusses National Pedestrian Safety Month

    Brian Chandler discusses Safe Streets for All, data, and the role of technology in making roads safer for all as part of Urban Logiq’s episode of “Ask the Experts” series.

  • DKS Promotes New Vice Presidents and Principals

    DKS is pleased to announce the following promotions.

  • What’s the best time to plan for your future electric fleet? NOW!

    The transportation industry is in the early stages of a radical re-invention that will impact all aspects of mobility. The Time to Plan for Your Future Electric Fleet

  • Technology Meets Transit

    Portland’s Division FX reshapes a bus line, traffic, and lives (photo by KLiK Concepts)

  • We’re looking at the wrong data

    Brian Chandler promotes innovative technologies and emerging data sets to improve safety analysis, leading to projects that better address historic inequities and reduce fatal and serious injury collisions. Why are we building safety projects in the wrong locations?

  • DKS helps Los Gatos update its traffic-related development fee structure

    Los Gatos Town Council heard from Erin Vaca with DKS about the draft Traffic Impact Program.

  • Island County reconsiders how to set speed limits

    Island County officials use cutting-edge analytic tools to set roadway speed limits.

  • TriMet’s FX celebrates its upcoming one-year anniversary with a national award

    Congratulations to TriMet and the success of the FX service line!

  • Are We Digging in the Wrong Place?

    See Brian Chandler’s article in the Washington State PublicWorks magazine starting on page 21 highlighting the importance of incorporating new data sets from innovative transportation technologies and how they can help improve safety and equity.

  • DKS on a renowned team to help revitalize Portland’s Lloyd Center

    The reimagined layout will be opened up to the surrounding communities by connecting into Portland’s street grid with significantly improved transportation networks for bikes, pedestrians, and cars.  

  • Design-Build is good for your project and your community

    Many organizations are switching to using design-build construction for their transportation projects. Design-Build is Good for Your Project-and Your Community.

  • Faced With Wildfire Threats, a California Community Gets Ready

    DKS’s Randy Johnson delves into evacuation preparedness planning and its potential for resilience in the face of wildfire hazards. Faced with Wildfire Threats, a California Community Gets Ready

  • Fleeing from a wildfire is terrifying and can be deadly – now is the time to plan

    BY: Randy Johnson Special to The Sacramento Bee

  • DKS Associates aquires Idaho-based Six Mile Engineering

    We’re thrilled to share some exciting news! DKS Associates is delighted to announce the acquisition of Six Mile Engineering, an Idaho-based provider of transportation and traffic engineering consulting services. This acquisition marks a significant milestone in DKS’s growth journey to provide even greater value to our clients. Leveraging Six Mile Engineering’s outstanding expertise and innovative transportation solutions, we’re excited to … Read more

  • DKS presents to Camano Island

    DKS’s Veronica Sullivan presents to Camano Island for the IRTPO Comprehensive Safety Action Plan

  • Washington’s 2024 Target Zero Plan

    DKS’s Brian Chandler and Mark McKechnie with the Washington Traffic Safety Commission, co-authored Target Zero: A New Foundation to Save Lives (pages 17-18) in APWA Washington’s 2024 Fall Magazine.

  • How Cities Prepare for Evacuation in Times of Disaster

    Randy Johnson discusses how cities prepare for evacuation in times of disaster with The Jefferson Exchange on Jefferson Public Radio.    

  • How Cities Prepare for Evacuation in Times of Disaster

    Randy Johnson discusses how cities prepare for evacuation in times of disaster with The Jefferson Exchange on Jefferson Public Radio.    

  • Washington’s 2024 Target Zero Plan

    DKS’s Brian Chandler and Mark McKechnie with the Washington Traffic Safety Commission, co-authored Target Zero: A New Foundation to Save Lives (pages 17-18) in APWA Washington’s 2024 Fall Magazine.

  • DKS presents to Camano Island

    DKS’s Veronica Sullivan presents to Camano Island for the IRTPO Comprehensive Safety Action Plan

  • DKS Associates aquires Idaho-based Six Mile Engineering

    We’re thrilled to share some exciting news! DKS Associates is delighted to announce the acquisition of Six Mile Engineering, an Idaho-based provider of transportation and traffic engineering consulting services. This acquisition marks a significant milestone in DKS’s growth journey to provide even greater value to our clients. Leveraging Six Mile Engineering’s outstanding expertise and innovative transportation solutions, we’re excited to … Read more

  • Fleeing from a wildfire is terrifying and can be deadly – now is the time to plan

    BY: Randy Johnson Special to The Sacramento Bee

  • Faced With Wildfire Threats, a California Community Gets Ready

    DKS’s Randy Johnson delves into evacuation preparedness planning and its potential for resilience in the face of wildfire hazards. Faced with Wildfire Threats, a California Community Gets Ready

  • Design-Build is good for your project and your community

    Many organizations are switching to using design-build construction for their transportation projects. Design-Build is Good for Your Project-and Your Community.

  • DKS on a renowned team to help revitalize Portland’s Lloyd Center

    The reimagined layout will be opened up to the surrounding communities by connecting into Portland’s street grid with significantly improved transportation networks for bikes, pedestrians, and cars.  

  • Are We Digging in the Wrong Place?

    See Brian Chandler’s article in the Washington State PublicWorks magazine starting on page 21 highlighting the importance of incorporating new data sets from innovative transportation technologies and how they can help improve safety and equity.

  • TriMet’s FX celebrates its upcoming one-year anniversary with a national award

    Congratulations to TriMet and the success of the FX service line!

A Custom Content Slider

  • 1975

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Non enim ipsa genuit hominem, sed accepit a natura inchoatum. Oratio me istius philosophi non offendit; Universa enim illorum ratione cum tota vestra confligendum puto. Si quae forte-possumus.

  • 1980

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Non enim ipsa genuit hominem, sed accepit a natura inchoatum. Oratio me istius philosophi non offendit; Universa enim illorum ratione cum tota vestra confligendum puto. Si quae forte-possumus.

  • 1985

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Non enim ipsa genuit hominem, sed accepit a natura inchoatum. Oratio me istius philosophi non offendit; Universa enim illorum ratione cum tota vestra confligendum puto. Si quae forte-possumus.

  • 1990

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Non enim ipsa genuit hominem, sed accepit a natura inchoatum. Oratio me istius philosophi non offendit; Universa enim illorum ratione cum tota vestra confligendum puto. Si quae forte-possumus.

  • 1995

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Non enim ipsa genuit hominem, sed accepit a natura inchoatum. Oratio me istius philosophi non offendit; Universa enim illorum ratione cum tota vestra confligendum puto. Si quae forte-possumus.

  • 2000

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Non enim ipsa genuit hominem, sed accepit a natura inchoatum. Oratio me istius philosophi non offendit; Universa enim illorum ratione cum tota vestra confligendum puto. Si quae forte-possumus.

  • 2005

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Non enim ipsa genuit hominem, sed accepit a natura inchoatum. Oratio me istius philosophi non offendit; Universa enim illorum ratione cum tota vestra confligendum puto. Si quae forte-possumus.

  • 2010

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Non enim ipsa genuit hominem, sed accepit a natura inchoatum. Oratio me istius philosophi non offendit; Universa enim illorum ratione cum tota vestra confligendum puto. Si quae forte-possumus.

  • 2015

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Non enim ipsa genuit hominem, sed accepit a natura inchoatum. Oratio me istius philosophi non offendit; Universa enim illorum ratione cum tota vestra confligendum puto. Si quae forte-possumus.

Benefits (A Definition List)

Lead Content: DKS has very competitive health and financial benefits as well as a healthy work / life balance.

List Heading

  • Health Insurance
  • Dental Insurance
  • Vision Insurance
  • Flexible Spending Plan
  • Pre-Tax Premium Plan
  • Profit Sharing Plan
  • Life Insurance
  • 401(k) Plan
  • Transit/Bicycle Commuter Benefits

Side Heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Materiam vero rerum et copiam apud hos exilem, apud illos uberrimam reperiemus.

Service Areas (Three Column List)

  • Alternative Analysis
  • Transit Planning
  • Communication Systems
  • Proof of Concept Planning
  • Transit Signal Priority
  • Data Information Management and Standards
  • Fare and Open Payment Management
  • Real-Time Information
  • Safety Analysis
  • Station Area Design
  • Transit Demand Modeling
  • Visual Simulation Modeling
  • Bus, BRT, Streetcar, LRT, Commuter Rail, High-Speed Rail

Two Column List (Left Heading)

  • 2.5 mile streetcar serving First Hill and Capitol Hill neighborhoods

  • One-mile, two way protected cycle track on east side of Broadway

  • 45 street blocks and 45 intersections

Two Column List (Right Heading)

  • Create a safe multimodal corridor

  • Improve streetcar operations while reducing impacts on autos, bus, bicycles, parking, pedestrians and businesses

  • Attract more cyclists by creating an innovative cycle track design that ensures safety and integrates pedestrians, bicycles, and the streetcar

  • Provide safe and efficient access to properties

Our Work (a One Column List)

  • Lead traffic engineer

  • Developed cycle track alternatives

  • Used Synchro and Vissim to model and evaluate auto, bus, and streetcar operations and select preferred alternative

  • Designed 27 existing and 4 new traffic signals, including modifications to existing signal spans and vehicle heads to accommodate new streetcar catenary system


Awards and Recognition

We strive for excellence not just for its own sake but for the impact it has on our communities.


  • 2015 Best of ITS Award: OR 217 Active Traffic Management (ATM) Project, OR
  • 2015 ACEC Oregon Engineering Excellence Award: OR 217 ATM project and the Westside Freight Access & Logistics Analysis, OR

Content with Sidebar:  At DKS, we’re committed to “connecting communities” through effective transportation solutions. Our Connections blog is dedicated to supporting that vision through discussions of emerging technologies and new ideas. We welcome the participation of qualified professionals.

Content with Photo on Right

Our innovative traffic analysis, modeling, and traffic engineering design services for this multimodal corridor will minimize transit delay, increase ridership and reduce collisions while providing access to properties and businesses.

Privacy Policy

We respect and are committed to protecting your privacy. As such, any personal information we collect on this website will be kept in the strictest confidence, and never released (either shared or sold) to any third party organization.

If you feel that we have misrepresented this policy in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us.