Brian Chandler promotes innovative technologies and emerging data sets to improve safety analysis, leading to projects that better address historic inequities and reduce fatal and serious injury collisions. Why are we building safety projects in the wrong locations?
City of Tampa Complete Streets Project Wins MPO Planning and Design Award
The City of Tampa’s Platt/Cleveland One-way Pair Buffered Bike Lanes project won a 2015 Planning and Design Award from Hillsborough County Metropolitan Planning Organization. As the City’s first ever separated green bike lane, this project is significant by creating a new model for cycling infrastructure and safer streets. The project included door zones adjacent to bike lane and green pavement … Read more
Supporting PSU’s Initiative for Bicycle & Pedestrian Innovation
DKS is pleased to support Portland State University’s Initiative for Bicycle & Pedestrian Innovation (IBPI) by contributing to the Innovation in Active Transportation Endowed Scholarship fund. Jim Peters of DKS provided input at the recent Ann Niles Active Transportation Lecture, which kicked-off the scholarship drive. The lecture series keeps alive the spirit of Ann Niles’ advocacy to create livable neighborhoods and make Portland a safe … Read more
Cyclists Ready to Roll & Mayor Applauds Platt Street Buffered Bicycle Lane in Tampa, FL
The City of Tampa is currently constructing its first separated, green bike lane along Platt Street in South Tampa, which is on schedule to be complete by Friday, March 27, 2015. The design is the first of its kind in Tampa. The new bike lane runs from Armenia Avenue to Bayshore Boulevard, and is separated from vehicle travel lanes. … To … Read more