Sound Transit Seattle Central Link Light Rail
Trains travel station-to-station without stopping and with minimal disruption to signal coordination.
Quick Facts
Sound Transit’s Central Link LRT runs from downtown Seattle to the Tukwila/International Boulevard station
Includes 28 crossings controlled by signals
Includes 3 crossings controlled by signals and gates
Today, after testing and vendor modifications to the software, the trains travel station-to-station without stopping and provide minimal disruption to the signal coordination
Our Work
Served as the prime traffic engineering consultant for all segments of LRT
Performed operational analysis
Performed design of pedestrian crossings for all roadway and trackways, including final design of pedestrian signals and active warning signs
Identified the placement of and designed automobile and light rail vehicle traffic signals for all at-grade rail crossings
Prepared final design plans for signing and channelization, fiber optic connections to each traffic signal, multiple CCTV cameras, and traffic control
Developed the priority system requirements used by the traffic signal controller to progress a train through the traffic signal without stopping
Helped to facilitate an evaluation of traffic signal controller technology to determine which product met the operational needs of the corridor
Provided construction oversight services